
Bookeye® 4 V1A könyvszkenner (A1)


   The flagship in the Bookeye 4 family of book scanners is the Bookeye 4 V1A book scanner. Scanning A1+ formats at 400 optical dpi, the Bookeye 4 V1A features an automatic book cradle with up to 10 cm height adjustment, a glass plate that opens automatically and of course the 140 degree V-book cradle. Bookeye 4 V1A is the world`s only working A1+ overhead book scanner that accommodates both flat documents – with or without the glass plate; as well as large, fragile bound documents, using the protective V cradle.

Bookeye 4 V1A is suitable for digitization projects that require high quality and maximum productivity even in 24/7 operation.

Originals up to A1+, such as books, magazines, posters, folders or bound documents of all kinds can be digitized by the Bookeye 4 V1A at high speed and a resolution of 600 dpi.

Strong software solutions

A high-performance production scanner is dependent on a strong capturing software. Image Access has three powerful software packages in its portfolio for Bookeye 4 Professional which enable optimal capture for large projects. Batch Scan Wizard, BCS-2 and Opus FreeFlow are designed to compliment the Bookeye 4 V1A and can meet any requirement within a digitization project.

Furthermore, the Bookeye 4 V1A can also be used via the optional TWAIN driver interfacing with third party applications.

Bookeye® 4 V1A Functions & Features

Functions, features and options available on the Bookeye 4 V1A A1+ overhead book scanner.

Bookeye® 4 V1A Functions

Color overhead scanner for formats up to A1+ (also available as grayscale system)
600 x 600 dpi scanner resolution
pen client interface for operation with BSW, BCS-2, Opus FF
V-shaped book cradle 140 – 180 degrees
Motorized cradle with lift up to 10 cm
Glass plate for perfect scans in flat mode
Book Fold Correction – Scan bound documents without annoying shadows
AUTO-Mode for automatic scanning and opening of glass plate after scanning operation
Automatic finger and thumb removal
Automatic Crop & Deskew
Digital color balance
Integrated ICC-profile
Automatic white balance and black value
Scan2Pad – Wireless scanner operation and storage for iPad, Android
Output formats: PDF, PDF/A, JPEG, TIFF, PNM, Multipage PDF

Bookeye® 4 V1A Professional Features

LED lamps, no warm up, IR/UV free
Large color WVGA touchscreen for simplified operation
Virus resistant Linux operating system
Easy installation
Remote maintenance and analysis
Web based firmware updates
including 12 months Extended Warranty

Bookeye® 4 V1A Markets & Applications

Bookeye 4 V1A demonstrates its full productivity when implemented in large scale digitization projects. In conjunction with various specialized software packages such as Batch Scan Wizard, BCS-2, Goobi UCC or OPUS FreeFlow, all requirements of current and future digitization projects can be met.

Bookeye 4 V1A Markets

Government and private commercial organizations
Information Facilities

Bookeye® 4 V1A Applications

Archiving documents from national and local government agencies, registries and nonprofit organizations
Scanning newspapers, periodicals, catalogs and magazines
Digitizing files from file folders
Digitizing bound and stapled documents like contracts, accounts and documentation
Preserving books and sensitive historical documents

Bookeye® 4 V1A Professional Technical Data

This section provides you with the technical specifications and data associated with the Bookeye 4 V1A Professional book scanner. Speed, scan size, power consumption and environmental data can be found as well as shipping dimensions and weight. These documents are the most detailed summary of the technical specifications.

Technical Data

Document Maximum Document Size 635 x 850 mm (25 x 33.5 inch),
8% more than DIN/ISO A1
Scanner Resolution 600 x 600 dpi
Pixel Dimension 9.3 x 9.3 µm
Scan Speed Color DIN A1+ @ 150 dpi: 1.8 s
DIN A1+ @ 200 dpi: 2.3 s
DIN A1+ @ 300 dpi: 5.3 s
DIN A1+ @ 400 dpi: 7 s
Color Depth 36 bit color, 12 bit grayscale
Scan Output 24 bit color, 8 bit grayscale, bitonal, enhanced halftone
File Formats PDF, PDF/A, JPEG, PNM, TIFF uncompressed,
TIFF G4 (CCITT), Multipage PDF, TIFF
Technical Specifications
Computer 64 bit Linux, Intel i3, quad core processor,
8 Gigabyte RAM, 320GB HDD for extra large jobs
Interface 1 GBit Fast Ethernet with TCP/IP based Scan2Net(R) interface
Camera CCD Camera
Light Source White LEDs, according IEC 60825-1: class 1, no IR/UV emission
Lamp Life Time 50,000 h (typ.)
Dimensions Scanner 1.100 x 880 x 855 mm (43.3 x 34.6 x 33.7 inch)
(H x W x D)
Weight Scanner ~77 kg (170 lbs.)
Electrical Specifications
Electrical Connection 100-240 V AC, 47 – 63 Hz (external power supply,
complies with ECO standard CEC level V)
Power Consumption ? 0.5 W (Sleep) / 2.5 W (Standby) /
75 W (Ready to scan) / 130 W (Scanning)
Ambient Conditions
Operating Temp 5 to 40 °C, 40 to 105 °F
Rel Humidity 20 to 80 % (non-condensing)
Noise 55 dB(A) (Book cradle motor working) /
< 42 dB(A) (Scanning) / < 33 dB(A) (Standby)


  • Könnyû szkennelni vele történelem könyveket, újságokat és hetilapokat, katalógusokat és magazinokat.
• Közvetlenül lehet szkennelni az irattárak anyagaiból anélkül, hogy az eredeti példányokat el kellene szállítani.
• Egyszerûen szkennelhetõk az összetûzött dokumentumok is, mint például a szerzõdések, a számlák, stb.
• A térképek és tervrajzok elhasználódás nélkül szkennelhetõk.
• Olyan dokumentumok is szkennelhetõk, amely vegyesen tartalmaz fényképeket és szöveget.